Every Bowl Tells a Story

Every bowl tells a story, for example…

dbowlThe dust bowl of the 1930’s tells the story of poor awareness of our environment and the tragic consequences of environmental practices that fail to care for the environment we find ourselves in. (I’m including a wikipedia link to the Dust Bowl entry to help Rebecca do research for the Locker Room.) It’s a good thing we learned our lesson! Right?

Another example..

09-02-04c_dumb_and_dumber4The Bowl Cut, popular in the 1990’s and continuing in some circles today, tells the story of people who like a consistent hair cut. Hard to find fault with a good bowl cut.

The most important question of the day however is what story will the SABOWL tell? We enter the day with 20 games remaining and all SABOWL competitors holding on to their hope of victory. Rebecca jumped out to an early lead and has shown she has no desire to relinquish it! With four games today the SABOWL could look very different by this evening.

Competitors with enough unique picks to tie or take the lead: Jonathan, Jimmy, & RJ1.

The stories of todays bowls:

Bell Helicopter Armed Forces Bowl
Navy favored over Middle Tennessee by 7.5. This being the Armed Forces Bowl…its clear that organizers chose an opponent for Navy that they could beat. The question is will they be able to win by 7.5?

Franklin American Mortgage Music City Bowl
Ole Miss favored over Georgia Tech by 4.5. Georgia Tech won a SABOWL matchup last year for the first time in SABOWL history, can this become a trend? Some “Georgia Tech fans” in the SABOWL picked against Georgia Tech, are they really fans? Can you say Franklin American Mortgage Music City Bowl twice quickly without taking a breath? So many questions, only time will tell how this story will end.

Valero Alamo Bowl
Oregon favored over Texas by 14.5. This will be the final game for Texas coach Mack Brown as the school has decided to put him out to pasture…don’t feel too badly for the fella. While it seems this pasture lacks green grass it makes up for it in the millions of green dollars covering the ground that Brown will be paid through 2020. The 14.5 point spread is one of the largest in SABOWL VIII. Will Brown’s team go out fighting for their coach or will the mighty ducks do a Flying V all over the Alamo?

National University Holiday Bowl
Arizona State is favored over Texas Tech by 14.5. The second bowl game of the day with a 14.5 point spread, will the large spread come back into play here as it did when the NBC Fighting Irish took the field mere days ago?

Last but certainly not least Sabo kids will be entering the octagon that is SABOWL VIII for Kids to experience the devastation that flows from the SABOWL. Good to learn from an early age young Sabo’s, just remember…mental toughness.

We’ll talk over these unfolding stories and more in the locker room.

17 thoughts on “Every Bowl Tells a Story

  1. josh

    Tech is looking good…started game in prevent defense, in the process of giving up 20 consecutive 5 yd passes.

    Very impressive

  2. christina

    I did a virtual fist pump at Jimmy’s “You can do that” reference, well done. Can someone link the epic speech into the next post? As far as my pick against Tech, its just business. Watch my Notre Dame picks year after year after year and see that I don’t have room to make another pick based on purely personal reasons.

  3. Jonathan

    The standings are updated but will not be sorted until I get to a computer.

    In reference to Georgia Tech. I will NEVER pick against them. I choose to be a true fan and if that means I will not win the Sabowl I am okay with that. Rebecca will win it for me.

    If you want miss spell the word dog for the rest of your life. You might want to check out the university of georgia. Seems like they can’t quite figure that one out.

  4. josh

    I was sad Jimmy beat me to it – I was going to comment “If you want to always wait until it’s the fourth quarter & too late to care about playing in a bowl game…your GA Tech, you can do that…you always do that!”

    @Jonboy simmer down my man, also nobody wins the SABOWL for someone – c’mon man…I’ve got beef with that

  5. josh

    To get off GT chat…how about those Red Raiders?

    Also did Kliff Kingsbury just walk off the set of a movie based on a Nicolas Sparks novel?


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